Broadcasting & Webinars
SnagitThe ultimate screen capture tool. Snagit gives you all the tools you need to create eye-catching images and videos for easy sharing. Customize Snagit to meet your specific needs or the needs of your entire organization.
Camtasia StudioMore than a simple screen recorder, Camtasia makes you look like a video pro – even if you aren’t one. Use Camtasia to record on-screen activity, customize and edit content, add interactive elements such as effects, transitions, captions and more to keep your audience engaged. Share your videos with anyone, on nearly any device.
Camtasia RelayStart Recording Presentations with Camtasia Relay Today! Skip months of research and be up and running in days. Camtasia Relay isn't just lecture capture or presentation capture. It's knowledge capture, an online training software, e-learning software, an archiving and sharing tool, and more.
JingShare Ideas Instantly. Simple and free, Jing is the perfect way to enhance your fast-paced online conversations. Create images and videos of what you see on your computer screen, then share them instantly!
Screencast.comStore and Share Your Content. Give your high quality video, images and documents an online home. makes it possible to share you great content easily. You can post your captured images and videos to Facebook, Twitter, or your blog via the short URL or embed code that Screencast gives you – saving time and avoiding the hassle of sharing. Screencast will give you 2GB of free storage and 2GB of free bandwidth per month.
ivideohero.comLearn the secrets of how to make incredible videos with your iPhone to sell more of your products and services. Make professional looking videos using just your iPhone’s Video Camera so your videos shine on screen. Win more business by shooting high quality, attention grabbing customer video testimonials. Discover the little known accessories that will allow you to capture crisp audio on your iPhone using just an external microphone.
Glif TripodThe Glif is a small piece of plastic with a tripod mount embedded within. It is also the most useful accessory you could buy for your iPhone. The Glif has two primary functions: mounting your iPhone onto a tripod and propping up your iPhone at various angles. Mount your iPhone to a tripod for taking great pictures or making movies. Prop your iPhone up for hands-free FaceTiming or to watch videos.
Web Video UniversityConfused, frustrated or intimidated by Web Video? The WebVideoUniversity makes it easy for you. Discover how to create, get traffic and get paid by Web Video. More than 30 on-demand video training courses (over 50 hours of training), all step-by-step. No guesswork. No stress. And no experience necessary. Plus a dozen more Premium courses, software titles and extra goodies.