AppSumoAppSumo is a GroupOn clone for technology. AppSumo sends you a newsletter with great 'daily deals' offers. On AppSumo you can find excellent online learning content for technology-minded businesses, very good deals on niche software tools and plenty to explore in the 'free' bin.
99designs99designs is a design contest marketplace. It brings together a pool of designers from all over the world and SME businesses, which need design solutions. Projects categories include logos, web design, banner ads, and even merchandise design for things like t-shirts and clothing.
TreehouseYou've got no experience?
No problem! The Treehouse mission is to bring affordable Technology education to people everywhere, in order to help them achieve their dreams and change the world. Learn to build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, code with Ruby on Rails and PHP, or start a business. |
CodeacademyCodecademy is a team of hackers working hard to build a better way for anyone to teach, and learn, how to code. We're determined to succeed in realizing our mission to turn a world of tech consumers into one of empowered builders. Learn HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby & APIs
* GitHub.com * Intercom.io * MadMimi.com * Mixpanel.com * Parse.com * Salesforce.com * Shopify.com * Stripe.com * UserVoice.com |
Visual.lyVisually is a one-stop shop for the creation of data visualizations and infographics. Tapping into Visual.ly's vibrant community of more than 35,000 designers makes it easy for the buyers and sellers of infographics to get them made, distributed, liked, commented on and shared.
creativeLIVELearn for FREE from renowned professionals in photography, design, film, video, software development, productivity, business and more. Watch in-depth, live seminars for free in an interactive social platform. Ask the instructor questions, or connect with other course participants, via Twitter. If you missed a class or want to know more, you can purchase copies of each course at any time.
lynda.comlynda.com is an online training library that provides over 900 courses and 56,000 tutorials on software, web design and development, scripting languages and popular online sites. With constantly growing content, updated weekly and sometimes daily, Lynda offers the training necessary to stay ahead of the curve.