Prezi is a web based tool that lets you map out a presentation, including text, graphics and embedded PDF files and videos in one large layout. Instead of clicking through one slide after another during a presentation in a linear format, you zoom in on relevant information and then zoom out for a big picture view.
Prezi has a free version, which requires you to make your presentation public on Prezi's site, or Premium versions which let you create unlimited presentations and store up to 2,000MB of data online.
Prezi has an excellent website with some great examples of Prezis that other people have created, so you get an immediate source of inspiration. They also have (naturally enough) a number of Prezi instruction presentations to get you started;
Follow these guidelines, and you'll be set to amaze.
LESSON 1: Step-by-Step Tutorial on Prezi Basics
LESSON 2: Why the Best Prezis use Grouping & Layering
LESSON 3: Quick Tips on Presenting & Publishing
Don't just make a prezi - make the best of the best.
LESSON 1: Prezi in 15 minutes
LESSON 2: 10 ways to say it with Prezi
The vocabulary for expressing yourself in Prezi
LESSON 1: Looping and zooming
Try Prezi yourself and see what a difference it can make to how you deliver your ideas.